Want to feel group energy and support with developing or maintaining a daily meditation practice?

Reyna Collective is
a meditation support community for collective care.

We all grow together.

Personal Care

Show up for yourself

Get grounded. Cultivate healthy boundaries. Tap into creativity and intuition. Nourish your nervous system through regular meditation.

Group care

Show up for each other

Expand your heart's capacity for compassion and connection by sharing your gratitudes and loving-kindness with the Reyna community on WhatsApp.

community care

Show up for your community

Use your mental and emotional fortitude to show up for your community and the planet. Decolonize. Disrupt. Divest.



We encourage each other, through our check-ins, to sit for meditation daily. We also allow for fluidity - the ebb and flow, just like the rhythms of mother nature.Our meditation practice is not at the patriarchal, capitalist pace of constant productivity and busyness.

How it works


Meditate on your own at a convenient time for you for (at least) 3 minutes

Check In

Check in to our WhatsApp thread with 3 gratitudes and 3 loving-kindness blessings (people or beings, beloved or neutral, to whom you want to send extra love)


The super powers of presence, peace, and the ability to process and respond instead of reacting to big feelings. A happier nervous system, healthier communication and relationships. Stronger intuition and creativity.


Meditate for at least 3 minutes and then check in to our private WhatsApp thread with 3 gratitudes and 3 loving-kindness blessings.

Reyna Collective is for you if...

  • you've ever struggled to maintain a consistent meditation practice despite having experienced the benefits.

  • you have ever felt limited by rigid styles of practice which demand that you meditation at a specific time of day, in a particular way, every day.

  • you're not inspired by meditation styles that encourage you to eradicate emotions or meditate to be "more productive".

  • you'd like to feel group energy and community support around your practice.

  • you would like to deepen your intuition and connection to the lunar phases, plants and earth-based spirituality.

  • you have a desire to engage in activism and community care beyond your meditation cushion.

Join Reyna Collective

  • Access to our WhatsApp thread for daily check-ins

  • Meditation and ritual library on substack and soundcloud

  • Connection with the Reyna community through occasional live gatherings


Reyna is an homage to my motherline

Reyna is an homage to my motherline. My maternal grandmother, Eleanor Granger, was born and raised in Belize, and her maiden name was Reyes.

Combining the word for King (Rey) and Queen (Reina) in Spanish, "Reyna" is symbolic of embodiment and harmonization of the healthy, mature, empowered and trustworthy REGAL energies within each of us.

Meet Nicole

The founder of Reyna Collective

About Nicole

Nicole Benisch is the founder of Light Spirit Essentials. Offering a grounded approach to holistic well-being and spirituality, incorporating mediation, sound healing, reiki and aromatherapy. A balanced blend of spirit & science with a heaping dash of hilaritas.

Think of me, not as your teacher or or leader, but rather your humble host, holding the door open for you as you enter the meditation space, and saying a prayer of protection.

I’ve been studying spirituality and holistic well-being for more than three decades, and in that time I’ve had some truly magical experiences with meditation. I dabbled in many different Buddhist and Yogic styles, and despite having directly experienced the benefits of meditating regularly, I still struggled to cultivate a consistent practice. I would meditate daily for maximum 6 weeks and then eventually fall off. I wondered if meditation just wasn't a good fit for me? And explored a plethora of other mind/body/spirit wellness practices instead.In late 2016, after a long hiatus, I started meditating again. Instead of following a particular style, I let my intuition guide me, and something started to click. Big magic started to unfold, and yet, I still couldn't stick with my practice.When I began my practice again during quarantine times, August of 2020, it became clear to me that group energy and support was the missing link.So, I invited a group of women to join me in a daily sit with a gratitude + loving-kindness check in, and we’ve been holding space for each other ever since. To say the benefits of consistent meditation have been profound is the understatement of a lifetime. I feel more grounded, adaptable, and settled. I am able to self-soothe (most of the time) when activated. I also feel a stronger connection to my intuition and creativity.I have firm and healthy boundaries, and I communicate them with kindness and compassion. As someone who has had lifelong issues with anger and a history of high conflict relationships, this transformation is particularly impactful.Meditating in community also helped me with processing grief after a period of significant loss from 2018-2020.We have work to do - off of our meditation cushions and yoga mats. The foundation of any spiritual or magical practice is meditation, and Reyna Collective is meditation accountability for those who want to show up - for the planet, their families, and their communities.As Bell Hooks so aptly put it - "Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion".Come experience the magic. I'll be holding the door open for you, whenever you're ready.

Upcoming events

Alchemia Sound

1/28 West Side Yoga1/20 Ecstatic Dance PVDmore info here

Celtic Seasons 2024

Join us for occasional live gatherings

  • Imbolc - Feb 4

  • Spring Equinox March 19

  • Beltane May 4

  • Summer Solstice June 20

  • Lughnasadh August 6

  • Autumn Equniox Sept 22

  • Samhain Nov 7

  • Winter Solstice Dec 21


Lunar Magic

Shared via Substack - journal prompts, writing, simple rituals and spells.


Live Gatherings

Seasonal live gatherings including plant meditations, reiki, sound baths, and cacao meditations.

Daily Magic

Meditation Accountability

Lunar Magic

Full & New Moon Rituals

Seasonal Magic

Live Gatherings

When Shaman are asked how they know which plants to combine for therapeutic benefits, they often say "the jungle told us".I did not quite understand what this meant until I did my first aromatic plant meditation with Tiffany Carole in her "Healing Oil Collective" training, with the essential oil of Neroli - blossom of the bitter orange tree. During the meditation I began to receive messages and images and even a song/melody! That was over three years ago, and since then I have sat in meditation with many different essential oils both alone and with groups. The results are remarkable, extraordinary, and magical.These meditations are a wonderful way to develop a deeper connection to the plants, especially if you're someone who is led more by feeling/intuition. Or perhaps you are more logical and scientific when it comes to your exploration with plants and you'd like to come to know them in a different way!And so it is, we will gather on Winter Solstice to connect with the spirit of the Myrrh Tree - a powerful ally for the shift into the Winter Season. It is my strong recommendation to use a good quality Myrrh essential oil (not fragrance oil) for your meditation. I will lead you in a grounding meditation and then guide you to apply the Myrrh to a specific point or points on the body. Use your own, or you can order a sample from me (by 12/13 pls!) Also - it is also totally possible to have a deep experience without the plant physically present, but there is nothing quite like communing directly with aroma + physical touch. You'll also want to have a pen & paper handy to write down any insights you might receive during the journey.This gathering is free - my gift to you all, in celebration of the launch of Reyna Collective - a meditation accountability community for magical women. Future gatherings will be included in Reyna Collective membership OR $22 for non-members, and they will take place on or around the Solstices, Equinoxes and cross-quarter holidays (sabbats) Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain.samples are $11 (shipping included) please order your samples by by 12/13

limited time offer

Become a Founder

Get lifetime access to Reyna Collective

First 10 founding members receive

  • Halcyon Heroine meditation kit (40$ value)

  • Private aromapoint healing session with Nicole (150$ value)

Next 15 founding members receive

  • Private aromapoint healing session with Nicole (150$ value)

222 $ for life

  • You do not need to feel pressure to meditate by “x” time in the morning

  • You do not need to feel guilty for not being able to get up between 4am-6am to meditate

The ideal time to meditate is the time of day that it feels good, and convenient to you.